Improving Your Bottom Line: Workplace Wellness vs. Workplace Well-Being

Workplace wellness programs have been around for decades now and did help companies improve happiness in their employees and therefore their bottom lines – to some degree. But the 2020 pandemic has changed this drastically. Now if you want to impact your employee retention and bottom line, you need to implement a workplace well-being program.

Years ago, companies integrated wellness programs to cut down on health insurance claims and to save money. Now employees see these offers as money-saving tactics rather than genuine care for their well-being. As a result, this “check-the-box” approach mostly leads to mistrust of leadership and a lack of engagement in the programs.

Next, consider that the impact of 2022’s Great Resignation continues as 44% of employees are still looking to leave their jobs (

Don’t think this is you? Don’t be so sure. Nearly 70% of C-suite employees are considering quitting for a job that better supports their well-being. Yet more than 8 out of 10 global executives believe their people are thriving in all aspects of well-being ( This reflects a huge discrepancy between what employers and employees think!

Why Workplace Well-Being Should Be Part of Your Employee Benefits Framework

First, let’s differentiate. Wellness programs include offering a gym membership or Employee Assistance Programs, for example. They address a piece of a person’s well-being but do not consider his or her well-being as a whole. People today are seeking more than a good salary and reasonable health benefits. They seek health and happiness in physical, emotional, mental, financial, social and professional aspects.

In fact, 81% of employees reported that they will be looking for employers that support mental health in the future (

Meanwhile, losing just one employee can cost your company up to two times his or her salary, also leaving 52% of employees to take on more work (Work Institute, 2022 Retention Report). And because people have seen the negative stress and health effects of our hustling work culture, it’s more difficult to find replacement employees of high quality or work ethic.

The good news is that when you address the overall well-being (happiness, health, satisfaction, purpose) of your employees, your company’s well-being will improve significantly.

With the right workplace well-being plan, your company can:

  • Reduce turnover
  • Spend less money on recruiting
  • Invest more money in developing your employees
  • Increase profits and your bottom line.

Your business depends on the people working for it, right? It will grow faster and stronger when it embodies a solid, happy team of people (that is, workforce, in less human terms).

How to Implement Workplace Well-Being That Works

You can begin showing your employees you care about their well-being – and not just their abilities to show up consistently and keep insurance costs at bay – in many ways. Let’s look at a few.

1 Stress-Reduction Techniques

Eighty-six percent of people believe stress at work can significantly decrease their quality of life (Indeed Work Happiness Report 2022). Host activities that allow your employees to destress, such as chair massages, meditation sessions, fun lunch outings or group classes on coping with stress.

2 Well-Being Classes and Education

People’s needs are different at different times. Offering in-person classes on various topics will show your employees you care about them throughout their seasons of life, and not just as a means of checking off an item on your HR/benefits list. A few topic ideas include financial well-being, meal prep or planning, how to get better sleep, adding humor into your life, taking care of caregivers, digital efficiency or mindfulness.

3  Community Consciousness

Similar to personal well-being, employees want to know you care about the well-being of your community. Develop meaningful events or opportunities to volunteer for causes that are near and dear to their hearts.

The key to a successful workplace well-being program is to talk to your employees. Ask them which topics, areas of well-being and community causes matter most to them.

To summarize, employees aren’t just looking for a salary and flexibility in a job. They want to be energized by their work, feel a sense of belonging and have trust in their leadership and coworkers.

When you consistently implement well-being practices in your company, you will see an uptick in employee performance and morale. Your business will perform better and feel more fulfilling – and fun. And your community will benefit at the same time.

The Reality

Even though workplace well-being seems like a no-brainer or non-negotiable, most companies fail to provide well-being programs that actually get used because they don’t see the capacity to offer them. Implementing your own well-being program takes time, money and thoughtful research – especially getting unfiltered feedback from your employees.

Your human resources may already be stretched, leaving little time to research, develop, launch and maintain a well-being program.

This is where BreakWell can help. BreakWell focuses on the holistic well-being of your individual employees to directly impact and change their lives and as a byproduct, your bottom line. We put people first. We talk to your employees, gather research and feedback and develop a well-being program that serves their specific needs, using our 8-pillar approach.

Then your company can exceed employee expectations, making them happy to be a part of your whole. You will reduce costly turnover and improve your bottom line, growing your business along with the people who make it happen!

If you would like help getting started with your workplace well-being plan, let’s talk. Schedule a complimentary 30-minute call with BreakWell to discuss your company’s vision or needs using this quick form.


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